The technical expertise in performing tasks does not imply the competence of these people to communicate, constituting a society they wanted to belong.
Sending letters, typing, posting, agreeing or disagreeing does not support an interactive communication with differentiation of the intentions, attitudes, postures, behavior of each party and the results in common.
We very much lack our ability to interact personally in pursuit of our best interests from school benches to social and political spaces.
Dialogical and interactive human communication is not one-to-many.
This is mass communication.
In mass communication, the objective is to sensitize the consumer, defined as the object of consumer actions, whether the consumption of products, services and even ideas.
Relational intelligence forming networks can only happen among a few, coercively, with some putting themselves in the shoes of others, everyone interacting and no one just in the audience watching.
It is a challenge for each individual or singular group to situate itself as such before the others, building a collective world in which everyone wants to belong, maintaining their individual and collective originality.
The self is a dimension of experiences, attitudes and behaviors different from those of you, in the same context. The resulting knot is specific to what they both want to achieve. Human networks are made up of you, you, us and them.
The self interacts with itself in a different dimension from which it interacts with the other and both constitute an us dimension which is another dimension, the we, including in relation to me and you.