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I never imagined that "X" could be capable of such a thing

Writer's picture: NeurocomNeurocom

January 2021 | Sergio Spritzer©

"I never imagined it was so easy...

I never imagined that X could be capable of such a thing.

I'm surprised if you didn't know this wouldn't be possible.

I don't know how we didn't see that it couldn't be like that.”

Statements like these highlight the function of the imaginary. If you don't understand it's because you don't imagine.

When you learn to imagine what happens, you will naturally adopt the postures and attitudes that make sense to you.

Even a congenital blind, deaf, dumb or even paralyzed in wheelchairs need to imagine walking in an environment to be able to circulate in it. Imagining is a mental function and has psychobiological bases as such. It cannot be reduced to the perceptions, sensations, feelings, emotions, thoughts it sustains and on which it allows us to operate as a fundamental functional system for us to know about our existence in the world.

However, its functioning is confused with that of perceptions or thinking. It obviously has relationships with them, but not other functional dimensions. With a minimum of insight, we imagine. With a minimum of thought, we operate with imagination. Intelligence is precisely to do more with less imagination available. Imagination is irreducible to the ways of perceiving that sustain it or thinking that operates on it, offering possibilities.

So we are dealing with a phenomenon of its own quality that deserves a field of investigation that does not lose focus, reducing it sometimes to ideas, sometimes to perceptions.

The imaginary field is organized into forms of space and time. In them we see, hear, feel and think. Apart from them, nothing makes sense to us. Within a space-time universe, we perceive our presence, that of others and of things and we distinguish internal, external and relationship patterns with our peers and with the environment, distinguishing when such. Patterns fluctuate, change, transform, when they are located in past, present or future space-time. Our imagination can create possibilities of perceiving other forms of space-time and testing them in other dimensions as we rationally do with hypothesis testing, examining alternative processes, putting ourselves in the shoes of others, all this because imaginary operations take place between units of Space time.

It is as if we are “spirits” that move through the cosmic universe. It is not a question here of judging, validating or denying the content of truth or falsehood of the imaginary operations, but only of verifying them as phenomena to be examined with a methodology that is certainly not reduced to the experimental model of investigation. Alias ​​itself is one of the ways of controlling the imaginary to “extract” from it a reaction that is only interpretable within the strict parameters in which they were researched. Strictly speaking, two studies, even experimental, are not exactly the same. Scientists have accepted that slight variations are, for research purposes, overlooked. In scientific innovation and even more in human relational life, the operations of the imagination do not take place in controlled environments, but in uncontrolled, unstable and poorly known environments. In them the imaginary competence is elevated to the maximum.

It is not by chance that there are meaningful relationships between the way an Einstein travels in a ray of light to understand the relationships between matter and energy and a shaman or medium travels through the universe to learn about the reality of the world of life in the here and now. They are experiences of expansion of consciousness, each one in its context. All could not happen except through the operations of the imagination.

The clinic of the imaginary. It encourages the person to represent what he wants to express in the best quality he can do so, using a variety of perceptual possibilities and spatiotemporal placements. When the person or group is competent to “vary” their ways of imagining the same situation from different ways of perceiving it, these different possibilities tend to come into coherence whatever the content considered.

Try it.


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