In human communication, time becomes increasingly relational and dependent on the internal process that takes place between the parties. Even for objective activities between people the time to start and even less to finish cannot always be mathematically determined.
The universe is constituted in the form of systems immersed in systems, keeping a common structure (Ludwig Von Bertalanffy (1901-1972)* ).
This allows us to move on different planes, keeping a reference and coherence.
In the systemic paradigm, the way things happen determines the content and not the other way around.
Bateson (1979)** appropriated this principle and the concept of logical levels by Russell (1908)*** applying them to the case of human relations. He gave the example of the woodcutter splitting a piece of firewood: each variable involved can significantly change the results, as long as the woodcutter is currently thinking about the axe-handling mode, wood density, inadequate calculation of force and angle. impact, on the way the wood is supported; even in an “external” event such as a sudden attack by a wild animal in the vicinity or the approach of a friend with a sack full of already cut firewood, eliminating the effort to be undertaken at that moment.
The internal state indicated in the figure below refers to the systemic perception of oneself in the environment, captured by the woodcutter and integrating the main variables at play in this simple act of splitting firewood. The woodcutter uses all his senses at once, systemically, to perform such a trivial activity. We could hardly study all these variables in an experimental research methodology, controlling for variables.
Human systems form relational networks immersed in networks larger than themselves. The purpose of this text is to analyze how we can learn ourselves as systems embedded in human systems and make our lives move forward; further and further ahead. The advantage of human systems is precisely the dialogical awareness, that is, the awareness that something happens between people and things in different planes and dimensions that unites data with an intention, attitude, posture and a desired result.
If we are systemically coherent, the universe conspires in our favour; otherwise, objections will appear along the way. The cyclical periods of calm and turbulence in different planes of physical reality and living beings already imply this dialogical paradigm, of inter-influences between the elements, generating periods of stability and changes such as in the seasons of time, in daily cycles, in the so-called biorhythms (cycles of our psycho-physiological activities) extending through the rhythms and styles of interpersonal and collective relationships.
Human history is marked by periods of stability and change, as if they conversed with each other through a relational logic much more complex than that of the interpersonal plane relationships that serve as a reference.
* General Systems Theory; Bertalanffy, Ludwig Von.; Ed. Voices; 1975**BATESON, G. Mind and nature; a necessary unity. New York: Ballantine Books, 1979*** Bertrand Russell (1908a), Mathematical Logic as the Basis of Type Theory, with commentary by Willard Quine, pages 150-182.