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The Brave New Imagination. The Imaginary for the 21st Century

Writer's picture: NeurocomNeurocom

Sérgio Spritzer © May 21, 2021.

New forms of mediatization supersede traditional forms: written, television and telephone media are composed and raised to new powers that alone with the internet, tele meetings, "hybrid" events (virtual experiences combined with face-to-face), and not much far into the future, projections of our presences in three dimensions with touch sensors and, over time, the sensation of volumes, movements, tastes and odors.

Imagine the work that our mind will have to pilot without being piloted by this media complexity. These are very different ways from the traditional ways of seeing, hearing and feeling human, biological and physical nature.

We need to develop our imaginary competence not to be taken by this “Wonderful New World”. The tendency is to have a new psychobiology to account for this new “artificial” reality.

A new imaginary competency is in the making. The artificial realities do not always offer us better possibilities than the old natural realities. In so-called “artificial realities” there abounds poorly digested information about what happens either to you (as in health performance sensors) or to others (as in surveillance cameras), appearing as a linear cascade of experiences, without a stopping point and the consequent examination of what is going on.

Also in artificial realities, they are only treated as binary and flat as in the small screens of a videoconference, or in a cloud of numbers in a data network.

The challenge is to decode such binary realities into analog realities, meaning that they can be imagined in a way that makes sense among human beings and not among machines."


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