Sergio Spritzer © 2021
"What do you want?" they ask themselves almost at the same time and laugh at it. They learn as if it were a dance, what is the time to listen, to hear, to see and be seen, to feel and be felt. With time, they will have the opportunity to realize if they will be just friends or will form a couple, with their own life as a couple capable of supporting an idea of family, perhaps. The challenge of imagining a life in common was given by historical stereotypes that had been established in the subconscious of different cultures in each people. So it was easy to choose and make decisions, as it was enough to follow what was determined and even prescribed. Not anymore.
The interaction and experimentation movements naturally generate discoveries and surprise, redefine themselves, fold and unfold to result in bonds that are renewed to remain stable, to be infinite in intention, but only eternal while they last, as the poet Vinicius de Moraes sings . Relationships become more plastic and “liquid” (Bauman), more post-determined (let's experiment to find out) rather than predetermined (let's know to experiment). The contemporary world demands fewer explanations and more implications. The reality or realities change and change quickly.
Children are born in this contemporary world and they are faced with multiple realities, not as predetermined as their parents imagined. They need to develop immense competence and responsibility to choose in realities other than traditional ones.
When I receive people in consultation, it is no longer so much to cure illnesses, traumas, but to qualify their lives and help to recognize what are the possible imaginaries to advance their story towards the near future and, if possible, distant and in scale. Is it possible this way or that? How to test possible futures with other people?
Who? At where? Like? When?